
Elementary staff member tests positive for COVID-19

Linton-Stockton Elementary Principal, Mr. Kent Brewer, wrote to parents earlier today informing them that a school staff member had tested positive for COVID-19 recently. The person was last on campus before the school went on Fall Break, and the staff member is now quarantined. The full message said:

We were informed that an elementary staff member was confirmed positive for COVID-19.  The individual was last on campus Monday, October 12th.  This staff member is now in isolation and our thoughts go out to them for a smooth recovery.  Contact tracing has been completed and all close contacts have been notified and placed in quarantine.

We appreciate you screening your children daily and keeping them home when they are sick.  Together we are all working toward the same goal and we are pleased to partner with you as we strive to keep our students in school and stop the spread.

Currently, the county has been declared “blue” by the Indiana State Health Department, meaning the lowest level of positive cases. The color codes then escalate up through yellow, orange, and red, based on several factors, and each color is linked to recommendations for school operations. The color code has been updated each Wednesday afternoon, so stay tuned for any changes. Below is a recent state-wide color-coded map: