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Greene County is home to new nature preserve


On May 19th, the The Indiana Natural Resources Commission had their monthly meeting and approved the Dilcher-Turner Canyon Forest Nature Preserve in Greene County, near Hendricksville, our first Indiana Nature Preserve. In a PDF file linked in the May 2020 meeting notes the following information about the property is shared:

The Dilcher-Turner Canyon Forest Nature Preserve contains 68.00 acres, and is located in Greene County. The property contains a mesic/dry mesic upland forest community in and above scenic ravines with large sandstone outcrops, intermittent creeks, and several waterfalls. There is onsite parking for this property that gives access 1.6 miles of trail rated moderate.

The forest downslope from the ridge and in the ravines has been undisturbed for a long time and is particularly high quality. Orchids and ferns are found on the property as well as an uncommon Lycopodium (club moss). Several songbirds can also be seen and heard, including the scarlet and summer tanagers.

The attached image is also shared:

We’ve linked a more detailed and interactive map below:

If you’re curious about what the Dilcher-Turner Canyon Forest Nature Preserve has to offer, the Sycamore Land Trust’s website has more information and images, or there’s also a video by YouTuber Yote Off Trail that shows a hike around the area showcasing some of its novelties:

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