
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

With just over a week until Christmas, the local area saw its first significant snowfall, despite it being very light and changing over to possibly light rain and cloudy skies by sometime in the afternoon. Nonetheless, many places in Linton earlier today were beginning to look a lot like Christmas:

The roadway in front of the Phil Harris Golf Course and the “You’ll Like Linton” signage on the east side of Linton showed just how fast the snow was melting this morning. Some Christmas light decorations adorned the landscape in Humphreys Park, while the sidewalks were clear in front of St. Peter’s Catholic Church at Fourth and E Streets Northeast, as well as the Linton-Stockton High School on North Main Street.

Featured photo by Deena from Pexels. All others — File photos, The Lintonian — December 16th, 2020